Links and Resources


Piano Technicians Guild

The Piano Technicians Guild is the world’s premier source of expertise in piano service and technology. We represent more than 100 years of collective knowledge, over 3,300 global members and the industry’s only recognized piano service certification program, the Registered Piano Technician.

The Bluebook of Pianos

The “Bluebook of Pianos” has been published for over 50 years. You may only buy or sell one piano in your lifetime. This guide should answer your questions. Read it, Apply it; and get the best price for your piano. Our piano information is used by Libraries, Retailers, Factories, Salespeople, Music Teachers, and Auction Houses. Our new and used piano prices are used by technicians and appraisers.

Piano Mart

PianoMart has been the leading online resource for selling and buying pianos online. Since 1997, the best place online to buy or sell a piano. Over 1500 piano ads from the World’s Finest Manufacturers.